Subject: Re: Threads in arm32?
To: None <>
From: Christoph Badura <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/12/1999 19:11:58 (Dave Millen) writes:
>I am aware that threads are not yet in the arm32 tree, having tried to build
>mysql server, but thought that Kaffe might have its own version. Apparently not

Well, the mysql server should now work (except for the "SWI relocation"
problem you have).

>I then downloaded and attempted to compile pkgsrc/devel/mit-pthreads to see if I
>could integrate it in some way, but the compile fails with(from memory):
>     SWI relocation not allowed in this output format (presumably a.out)

I didn't get that error.  Could you send me the exact error message?

I guess I should update to more current sources.

I don't know whether that would help with kaffe, though.

Christoph Badura

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