Subject: Re: Corel ARM server.
To: None <>
From: Neil A. Carson <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/18/1999 02:31:05
"Chris G. Demetriou" wrote:

> While the state of those things has gotten a bit better (e.g. as far
> as I know, the toolchain's in the tree or easily findably now), the
> bits are still in the state where they require a user to go to a
> bunch of work to find and apply the patches, only to have them
> potentially blown away when next the source is updated...

Then integrate the few lines of patches. It's not like they are the end
of the world or anything. Maybe they can "pollute" for a few months,
until ELF on the StrongARM becomes more stable? I often think that the
project would be more successful if people sacrificed architectural
'perfection' (when then base BSD/X11 code which is in our repository has
far more awefula rchitecectural problems than this) to just get something
that works for a little while, the project might bemore successful. Of
course it he longer term these things should be fixed and, as you say, it
might motivate someone else to do so more if they can build the base from
the main tree.

As far as I know, there was at least one other NetBSD developer 'fixing'
this problem, but that fix never came out.
