Subject: OFW and shark
To: None <>
From: Matthias Pfaller <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 02/12/1999 08:48:16

I noticed that the interrupts property for /isa/parallel is wrong.
So I tried:

	dev /isa/parallel
	7 1 encode-intr " interrupts" property

but when I do a .properties after this, I still get "7 3" for the
interrupts property.

	" interrupts" delete-property

deletes the interrupts property as expected. What do I have to do to
make this work?

Thank's - Matthias
Matthias Pfaller                            Software Entwicklung
marco Systemanalyse und Entwicklung GmbH    Tel   +49 8131 5161-41
Hans-Böckler-Str. 2, D 85221 Dachau         Fax   +49 8131 5161-66                        Email