, NetBSD-arm32 <port-arm32@netbsd.org>
From: Dave Millen <webmaster@largesalad.co.uk>
List: port-arm32
Date: 02/28/1999 00:34:21
Todd Vierling wrote:
> Since no one else seems to know that shlibs work again(!), I'm going to roll
> another snapshot myself. Watch this space for an announcement.
Is there any chance that this might have a kernel that will boot on an arm 610
RiscPC. ATM, -current will only build working Strongarm kernels for my RiscPCs.
On an arm610, the boot process dies at the secondary bootstrap. I traced it as
far as setttb(....) IIRC.
I have two RiscPCs, and only one Strongarm. So one machine has -current almost
up to date, and one is stuck at the October snapshot (fixed as etc.), for the
arm610. The kernel for this latter is from -current at about 12 Oct.
The kernel code at this time had the same problem and it had to be patched with
printf() statements before this would boot. I have no idea why a few (a lot
actually) of printf()s and nothing else should make the difference between
booting and not, but it did.
The same ploy worked to some extent about the beginning of November, but the
kernel was a bit flaky, sometimes failing to boot. Discarded
Since then I have been extremely busy, and have not been able to have more than
an occasional sup and build. OK for the Strongarm, but not the arm610.
I would like to have the two machines running the same vintage kernels, libc's,
userland etc.
Make it idiot-proof and someone will make a better idiot!
e-mail: webmaster@largesalad.co.uk
net: http://www.largesalad.co.uk/DJMsoft/