Subject: pcnfsd need solution
To: netBSD list <>
From: M.E.Clinch <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 03/02/1999 10:50:14
We have now got our Cats system all ready to be our server
but need to find the sources for recompiling rpc.pcnfsd.
We need to run it for printing and mounting directories
but it for it to work we MUST export /. Now this is
a brain dead thing to do. We have no choice until we get
a working pcnfsd which reads its config. file in /etc.
Any pointers to where I can get the sources and any help
ideas as to where the prolem lies in the code.
Mike Clinch, ICT Tech. AESC 101
Chigwell School, Chigwell, Essex IG7 6QF
telephone : +44 181 501 5734
Fax: +44 181 501 5714