Subject: Re: pcnfsd need solution
To: M.E.Clinch <>
From: Todd Vierling <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 03/02/1999 09:45:14
On Tue, 2 Mar 1999, M.E.Clinch wrote:
: We have now got our Cats system all ready to be our server
: but need to find the sources for recompiling rpc.pcnfsd.
: We need to run it for printing and mounting directories
: but it for it to work we MUST export /. Now this is
: a brain dead thing to do. We have no choice until we get
: a working pcnfsd which reads its config. file in /etc.
: Any pointers to where I can get the sources and any help
: ideas as to where the prolem lies in the code.
will get you a tarfile of the source directory. AFAIK, the source really
hasn't changed since 1.3, so this source should be the same, or at least
compilable & usable.
However, I'm not quite sure I understand your complaint above - pcnfsd _is_
supposed to read its config from /etc, and what's this about exporting /?
-- Todd Vierling (Personal; Bus.