Subject: wscons verses vidcconsole and pccons
To: NetBSD/arm32 mailing list <>
From: Mark Brinicombe <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 03/19/1999 14:54:12
Ok the eventual plan is to get the SHARK and RISCPC running on wscons
instead of there own custom kernels....
For SHARK a bitmap wscons should be fairly straight forward to implement
thought from past experience with the rcons code I am concerned about
drawing and scrolling speed.
For RiscPC a bitmap wscons would also be required and again the speed
concerns are present but I really need to test this to see how bad it is
(running a bitmap console on i386 and PPC tends to be dire).
At the moment I am not clear on multiple VT support with the bitmap
console like the stuff we already have for the RiscPC.
My big question is how dependant on multiple VT's are RiscPC users ?
My thought is whether to switch the wscons code and lose multiple VT's on
RiscPC for a short while until I can get wscons working happy with
multiple bitmap VT's. (Getting a single terminal is not much work)
Would this hose a lot of people of VT's disappeared for a while on the
RiscPC. (Note: In doing this a precursor would be to get a new RiscPC X
server into the xsrc source tree).