Subject: Re: postgresql pkg & TAS
To: None <>
From: Brian Brunswick <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 03/29/1999 13:01:37
In article <> you write:
>On Mon, 29 Mar 1999 wrote:
>> trivial. Please feed the new locking code back to the postgresql team if you do.
>Um, this locking code was exactly what I'm asking for - I don't neither
>know postgresql nor arm32 machine language, sorry.
> - Hubert
>Hubert Feyrer <>

I've had success with the following:
Sorry for not returning it sooner!

@ Used to be  Generated by gcc for ARM/NetBSD
rfp     .req    r9
sl      .req    r10
fp      .req    r11
ip      .req    r12
sp      .req    r13
lr      .req    r14
pc      .req    r15
        .align  0
        .global _TAS
        .type    _TAS,#function
        mov r1,#1
        swp r1,r1,[r0]
        mov r0,r1
        mov pc,lr
        .size    _TAS,Lfe1-_TAS