Subject: More 1.4,KDE, Mozilla
To: None <>
From: Chris Cowdery <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 05/15/1999 22:36:41
Well I got KDE installed OK, it's really quite good isn't it.
A mistake I made with pkg_add for reference:
I did this:
cd /
pkg_add /usr/distrib/<package_name>
mainly because that's how I've been untarring stuff to get it into
the right place. What I needed to do was:
cd /usr/distrib
pkg_add /usr/distrib/<package_name>
Works wonderfully!
Now to Mozilla.
It works, but fails to actually display anything. It fetches the
page, and the page is there, as the infobar at the bottom changes
as you move the pointer around, but the window is just grey, i.e.
no rendering has taken place? Also it's a shame it won't support
Java. Is this on the agenda anyone?
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