Subject: Re: shocking speed performance!
To: None <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 05/20/1999 10:47:43
On Thu, 20 May 1999 10:06:47 +0200 (MET DST) wrote:
> A lot of people have worked long and hard just messing around with
> uncompilable and wrong source code. A lot of people have worked at
> fixes wich have been ignored. I have personally messed with GCC in
> NetBSD ARM32, without getting anywhere. However, doing the same in
> Linux is much more straightforward.
Wait... Linux on the arm32 or Linux on the Intel? Considering that
the ARM-specific bits of GCC are basically the same for Linux or
NetBSD, you're either:
(1) saying something that is not true, or
(2) comparing ARM vs Intel compiler hacking (like DUH they're
going to be different).
> NetBSD ARM32 had a good potential, wich was not fulfilled, due to
> insufficiently available source code, etc.
What on EARTH are you talking about? Full source code for NetBSD/arm32
is readily available. I've been running my NetBSD/arm32 system from
NetBSD-current sources (_without local hacks_) for MONTHS (and months and
> People has left this project.
...and given your attitude, if you're one of them, "thank goodness."
-- Jason R. Thorpe <>