Subject: Re: shocking speed performance!
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 05/21/1999 10:52:06
> On Thu, 20 May 1999 10:06:47 +0200 (MET DST) 
> wrote:
>  > A lot of people have worked long and hard just messing around with
>  > uncompilable and wrong source code. A lot of people have worked at
>  > fixes wich have been ignored. I have personally messed with GCC in
>  > NetBSD ARM32, without getting anywhere. However, doing the same in
>  > Linux is much more straightforward.
> Wait... Linux on the arm32 or Linux on the Intel?  Considering that
> the ARM-specific bits of GCC are basically the same for Linux or
> NetBSD, you're either:
> 	(1) saying something that is not true, or
> 	(2) comparing ARM vs Intel compiler hacking (like DUH they're
> 	    going to be different).

1. As I have said some times now: I made myself a dual Celeron machine.
   Celeron are a version of Pentium2. I do a lot of number crunching.

2. Actually, when I compare my ARM hacking versus my Intel hacking,
   ARM comes out very well actually. However, when I compare Unixes,
   NetBSD ARM32 does not come out as well, neither regarding stability,
   workability, nor efficiency.

>  > NetBSD ARM32 had a good potential, wich was not fulfilled, due to 
>  > insufficiently available source code, etc.
> What on EARTH are you talking about?  Full source code for NetBSD/arm32
> is readily available.  I've been running my NetBSD/arm32 system from
> NetBSD-current sources (_without local hacks_) for MONTHS (and months and
> months).

Yes, for months, while the project has been going for years.
Compilable source should have been available for years, but it wasn't.

The ARM processor is ideal for small embedded Unix systems, but that niche
was taken by X86 processors. Etc.

>  > People has left this project.
> ...and given your attitude, if you're one of them, "thank goodness."

Sigh. I love the ARM processor, and I have put a lot of work into NetBSD 
ARM32, for naught, and at best I had a system able to compile and run
1/3 of software. I have noticed several other people trying to work
with RiscBSD, and giving up, such as the author of Cumana SCSI drivers.
As for myself, I am a professional Unix consultant. I followed RiscBSD
from the beginning.

The whole point of a open software development project is to have
compilable source available. Sadly, it wasn't for many years.
Other people have complained about this too, but like everything
else here, it is soon forgotten, but not by me.
