Subject: Upgrading Sharks to 1.4 & new firmware
To: None <>
From: Hans Ridder <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/02/1999 12:18:49
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Fellow Sharkers,

I've been running the DEC version of 1.3 on our Rev. 5 Sharks and was
planning on installing 1.4 since it looks like there's enough
improvement in 1.4 to make it worthwhile (*please* correct me if I'm
wrong.) I've seen mention of problems with older firmware. The firmware
banner on ours says:

    Open Firmware , Built August 28, 1997 14:47:54

Which I believe is not the most recent. The Rev. 5 "video fix"
instructions mention a February 25, 1998 version.

So, do I need to upgrade?
If so, where do I get the firmware and how do I install it?

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