Subject: Re: NetBSD v1.4 troubles
To: None <>
From: Chris Cowdery <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/08/1999 22:30:27
> 1) I could only get X11 to work, if I did not install the X11fonts.
> When I tried to start X11 using xinit, I got the following errors
> (with X11fonts installed):
Try the new Xarm33vidc X server. It works OK for me, and also uses
the standard fonts I believe. Unfortunately it doesn't support
console switching though. Xarm33 does work though with the correct
fonts installed. I forget which way around it is, but one of the
font sets are .tar.Z and the others are .tar.gz. You need the
opposite one to everyone else to use Xarm33. Mark did say where
the right one was on a recent mailing as I recall.
> The next problems occurred when I ran X11 without X11fonts installed.
> 2) My Netscape v??? (aka. Mozilla Navigator Cryptozilla) starts but it
> will not redraw anything leaving it useless.
I have this problem also, and I've heard it mentioned elsewhere. I don't
know if anyone is looking at it. It exhibits this behaviour with both
the Xarm33 server and the Xarm33vidc server. So I guess the problem
lies somewhere else.
Sorry I can't help with Netscrape or Emacs though. I wouldn't mind
someone who knows how to fix Mozilla though as I am eagerly awaiting
a working copy too.
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