Subject: Re: Booting up to a certain device automatically?
To: Bruce Martin <>
From: Todd Vierling <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/09/1999 16:52:39
On Tue, 8 Jun 1999, Bruce Martin wrote:

: I have an EBSA285 board running NetBSD 1.4, and when it boots up it
: allows the user to select the boot device. However, I want it to boot up
: automatically on wd0b. How do I set the system so that it doesn't ask
: the question, but automatically boots on wd0b

wd0*b*?  Heh, historically the `b' partition is meant to be swap (but of
course, that's flexible these days ;).

In any case, some machines on some architectures cannot autodetect the boot
device yet.  For those machines, like the one you have, change the line in
the kernel config file which reads:

config netbsd root on ? type ?


config netbsd root on wd0b type ffs

-- Todd Vierling (Personal; Bus.