Subject: Re: password problems (Was: Which xserver for 1.4 release?)
To: Steve Hobbs <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 07/08/1999 12:38:21
On Wed, 7 Jul 1999, Steve Hobbs wrote:

> Rebooted the 1.4 system, single user, and did the usual editing of
> rc.conf to allow multi-user.
> I then ran vipw to add my user id, and left the password field blank. also
> removed the asterisk from the root password field. rebooted, and could not
> login.
	Can you login as root either?

	Did you extract the sets with '-p' - check that /usr/bin/passwd
	look like:

		-r-sr-xr-x  2 root  bin  ...

> vipw reports no errors, and builds passwd, pwd.db and spwd.db, but login
> always reports "invalid login".
> passwd <user> always fails with passwd file is busy, even there are no
> obvious lock files, certainly not /etc/ptmp.
	This is when running as root?

> I am completely stumped as to the problem, so any ideas would be
> welcomed...


	"Shall I be tempted by the devil thus?"
	"Yes, if the devil tempt you to do good..."