Subject: Re: egcs-1.1.2 and -fPIC
To: None <>
From: Simon Levitt <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 08/04/1999 13:01:38
Ignatios Souvatzis wrote on 4 Aug 99, (12:55):
> On Wed, Aug 04, 1999 at 11:02:02AM +0100, Simon Levitt wrote:
> > I've looked over and can't see any
> > obvious patches I shoud apply...
> Oh, the diffs needed are _in the NetBSD cvs repository_. You'd need to
> import egcs-1.1.2 on the vendor branch, then resolve any merging conflicts
> manually.
Doh! - Of course.
Persumably the only place I need to 'merge' is gcc/config/arm ? -
Looking at diffs between egcs-1.1.2 and the NetBSD source (in
config.arm) the changes are significant, but only in arm.c and,
and look very like 'getting it to work' changes (given my complete lack
of knowledge of how gcc works).
So this leaves me wondering whether to try using the config/arm
directory from the NetBSD source tree in egcs-1.1.2. Anyone completely
up in arms about that?
(For anyone that's interested enough - I can send the diffs between the
files in common across the directories).
Simon Levitt, Consultant/Software Engineer @ WorldPay plc.,
The Westbrook Centre, Milton Road, Cambridge, CB4 1YG, ENGLAND. Ph:+44(0)1223 715151 F:+44(0)1223 715157
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