Subject: Re: NetBSD/arm32 fails to boot with RISCOS 4
To: Dave Daniels <>
From: Neil A. Carson <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 08/07/1999 13:28:56
Dave Daniels wrote:
> I have just installed RISCOS 4 and it looks to me as if !BtRiscBSD
> no longer works. Every attempt on my RiscPC to boot NetBSD fails
> with the message 'Dynamic area already exists'. Has anybody else
> seen this? I am using BtRiscBSD version 2.88.
> It does not end there. UnixFS is broken by the upgrade too. I
> reformatted my RISCOS partition to use the new format and attempting
> to mount my NetBSD partition now fails with the following messages:
> Outside partition
> Unknown partition type
> Bombing out...
> 10
> Unknown partition type
> Please don't say 'download an update from...' as I cannot get
> on to the Internet as RISCOS 4 breaks Voyager as well...
Then how about asking whoever does it these days to break RISC OS 4? I
have not noticed any documentation relating to changed APIs or
describing incompatibility and suggested changes like in previous
releases of the OS, so I suggest you ask them to fix that operating
system rather than this one.