Subject: Re: Booting on RPC: which device ?
To: None <>
From: Reinoud Zandijk <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 10/06/1999 14:16:08
Hi Jan-Uwe,

On Mon, 4 Oct 1999, Jan-Uwe Finck wrote:

> Okay, I found out that my distribution lies on /dev/wd1e, not wd1a as
> I supposed.
> But I can't boot into wd1e, this leads to a read-only filesystem, both
> in single- and multi-user mode.
> Booting with root-device: /wd1a leads to the 'warning : no
> dev/console' I mentioned yesterday..
> The distribution is still installed on the second IDE-Drive, which is
> /dev/wd1* , it is completely used by NetBSD.

your story is somewhat confusing to me...  like all BSD's, partitions mean
something... part `a' is the root partition, `b' is the swap, `c' and `d'
are the entire disk (with and without NetBSD), `e', `f'... are other
partitions.... so booting from wd1e is silly! 

One solution is to boot the installation kernel, mount /dev/wd1a on /mnt
and do a (cd /mnt/dev; ./MAKEDEV all), and then reboot with root on wd1a.

If you're afraid all is messed up, I should clean all installed stuff,
except the installation tarballs and /etc/fstab offcource :-), and
reinstall/upgrade the stuff. When sysinst asks for the location of the
installation tarballs, just point to the correct location.  the fstab file
instructs the OS where to mount wich partition. The partitions themselves
are determined by the disklabel; i.e. ``disklabel wd1''.

