Subject: Re: Angel's Ebsa's and Master Aborts
To: Dave McConnell <>
From: Philip Blundell <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 10/15/1999 18:32:00
>rendering the cards unuseable under NetBSD. (Note an ne2000 pci bus card
NE2000s, even PCI versions, are not busmastering so they can never suffer
master aborts.
>I hear others are using the EBSA 285 with these devices and all is OK? Well
>I'd really like to know what it is we are doing wrong. An "undocumented"
>jumper setting on the EBSA board (or backplane) perhaps?
It is almost certainly a driver bug. A master abort happens when you try to
access an area of PCI memory or I/O that doesn't exist. If the ethernet chip
is recording an abort, one of the descriptors it was fed contained duff
information, or the Footbridge is not set up to respond as a PCI target. It's
remotely possible that a hardware fault could cause this but I would exhaust
all software avenues first if I were you.