Subject: Shark PSUs
To: port-arm32 NetBSD <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Robin Watts <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/05/1999 16:47:50
Hi all,

My Shark PSU has died on me... Can anyone on here help with the
following please?

 * Are there known 'weak points' in the PSU (i.e. is there something
that a semi-competent person can do with a soldering iron to fix it?)

 * If not, where can I get another one (or an equivalent?)

Robin Watts,			Email: <>
Warm Silence Software,		WWW:   <>
P.O.Box 28, Woodstock,		Tel:   0585 487642 (or Home: 01608 737172)
Oxfordshire, OX20 1XX		Fax:   01608 737172
The 1993 Darwin award winner (awarded for services to the gene pool by
someone killing themselves): The guy that died when a Coke machine he was
trying to rock back and forth to bump a free can tipped forward, crushing him.