Subject: Re: Shark PSUs
To: Robin Watts <>
From: Steve Woodford <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/05/1999 20:36:04
On Fri, 5 Nov 1999, Robin Watts wrote:

> My Shark PSU has died on me... Can anyone on here help with the
> following please?
>  * Are there known 'weak points' in the PSU (i.e. is there something
> that a semi-competent person can do with a soldering iron to fix it?)

One of my Shark's PSUs went tits-up after a month of use. Replacing the
switching regulator IC (the only IC on the board) solved the problem. Mind
you, I'd already swapped the power MOSFET in case that's what had blown,
so I can't say for sure both were actually faulty.

Both parts are common, and available from Maplin Electronics.

The usual disclaimers apply when fiddling with switch-mode PSUs of course.
Don't hold me responsible if you zap yourself! :-)

Cheers, Steve