Subject: disklabel operations on /dev/rwd0c or /dev/rwd0d
To: None <>
From: Bruce Martin <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/17/2000 18:45:33
Hi all,
I have written some C++ code that uses the disklabel() code. On the i386, I
will successfully read disk labels, using the device as /dev/rwd0d (the
whole wd0 disk, not a partition). However, my arm32 system reports
"disklabel: rwd0d - device not configured." As soon as I change it to use
/dev/rwd0c it works, but this does not work on the i386 ("disklabel:
rwd0c - device not configured"). Why do the arm32 and i386 use different
partition names (arm32: rwd0c, i386: rwd0d) to indicate the whole disk? Is
there any way I can change this so both use that same partition. I'm
guessing maybe I labeled the disk incorrectly or something, but both
disklabels look the same....