Subject: PCI-Bridge on the shark
To: None <>
From: Alexander Schulz <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/20/2000 13:21:12

I am currently trying to get some response from the via pci-bridge on my
shark. I tried various addresse like A8/A9, CF8/CF9, C000. I played with bit
29 and 30 of the addresses but still don't get anything but garbage (mostly
0xff). As I didn't find anything in the 1.4 netbsd kernel sources, can
someone please tell me how to get to the config space? Preferebly using
physical addresses. It is possible that I killed the chip with static
discharge, but how can I know for sure?

Thanks in Advance

      (o o)
|                         | ... because you are always as |
|    | dead as you think you are!    |
|    | (D. Adams : mostly harmless)  |