Subject: Re: TODO list
To: Dave Daniels <>
From: Reinoud Zandijk <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 07/26/2000 14:26:33
Hi David,

On Tue, 25 Jul 2000, Dave Daniels wrote:
> As the one who has been working on the RISC OS NetBSD bootloader
> of late, my approach would be to see what has to be done to
> integrate NetBSD/arm26 into the existing code. I should think it
> would be a lot less work than doing it the other way around. To be
> honest I cannot see anything wrong with the application !BtRiscBSD
> or with the bootloader itself, btriscbsd, given that the program
> has to run under RISC OS. If you do not like !BtRiscBSD you can
> run btriscbsd by hand from the command line if you wish.

Uhm... but thats not the issue i am talking about ... its the fact that it
doesnt set up a good environment to boot NetBSD in ... If you look f.e. at
the ../syssrc/sys/arch/arm32/riscpc/machdep.c you'll see what a trickery
is needed in order to get it running compared to
../arch/arm26/arm26/machdep.c and start.c you'll see the difference ...

> RISC OS does not use a disk-based bootloader so I do not think
> that you will find a cleaner way to boot NetBSD on a RISC OS
> machine than we have now.

Hehe... well you could f.e. mess around with the pages (swapping or
reordening them) *before* you start the kernel instead of starting the
kernel who has to mess with itself !
