Subject: Re: RISC OS 2000 show report
To: None <>
From: Andy Wingate <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 10/24/2000 03:10:14
David Browlee wrote:
> Castle got in touch regarding drivers for some of their cards -
> they may still have a copy of a driver, and also would be willing
> to give technical documentation on the Kinetic card.
> Riscstation loaned us a machine to test NetBSD - there were issues
> with the bootloader, but they would be very willing to ship a loan
> machine to a developer to work on support.
It's good that they want to help out. I seem to remember hardware people
being unhelpful to anyone a couple of years or more back.
I'd like to thank Chris for putting together such a nice CD.
> Action items from the show:
> If anyone can help with any of these - please let us know.
> - !BtRiscBSD
> - Can people confirm if the RiscOS4 fixed version of !BtRiscBSD
> also works under 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7?
It definitely worked under 3.7 as Dave Daniels let me test it out
last year while I was still using 3.7. I imagine it should be fine under
3.5 and 3.6 still.
> - We need to find out if we can distribute memfix inside
> !BtRiscBSD for RiscOS 4 users.
> - !BtRiscBSD defaults to 1024x768 - users with monitors unable
> to display that resolution need to exit a config file to
> run - that should be fixed.
> - The number of supported resolutions should be expanded.
> - Need to determine if !BtRiscBSD can boot gzipped kernels.
I occasionally used to forget to gunzip the kernels from the NetBSD ftp
site before getting BtRiscBSD to boot them. It never worked for me.
> - Is !BtRiscBSD 'max proc' configure option still needed?
It seem to remember it still kicks in - I have seen error messages related
to the number of processes when trying to run >64 processes.
> - Other RiscOS based install issues:
> - We should probably include the basic program that when runs
> generates a copy of !sparkplug or similar, to ensure people
> can extract the !BtRiscBSD archive. Does anyone have a copy?
> - Does anyone know of a RiscOS tool that can shrink a
> filecore partition?
There isn't one AFAIK, although Matthias Seifert once suggested some ways
it might be done. I think various other people weren't entirely convinced
it would work usefully. It was mainly suggested as part of a way to
convert E format harddiscs to E+ ones.
> - sysinst issues:
> - Need to determine if setting vt100 for sysinst fixes
> a small display glitch when extracting sets.
> - Need to test loading sets from an existing filecore partition
I had some problems in the past with sets not being correctly copied from
a filecore partition. It was around 1.4-something but I don't now if the
filecore reading routines have changed since then (was it Andrew McMurry
who did those?).
> - Sysinst should have an option to reuse existing partitions
> - Sysinst should not ping dns server
> - hardware/software support
> - We need people to test their ide, scsi, and other cards
> under 1.5 and report back what works and does not.
My Yellowstone RapIDE32 card works fine, although I used to have problems
reading from CD when the CD-ROM drive was attached to it. Putting the
CD-ROM on the internal interface solved those problems.
> - We should approach more hardware vendors for samples and
> documentation.
> - We need a 16bit audio driver.
> - Should have fsck_filecore - to check filecore partitions
> - Filecore support should be extended to support writing
> - Add support for the new 'long filenames' version of filecore.
> If anyone is interested in helping with any of the above, assisting
> at future shows, or anything related to NetBSD/arm{26,32}, please
> get in touch. We may be attending the December 2 show in the
> midlands (more details later).
I'd like to get involved somewhere, it's probably more a question of
Andy Wingate <URL:>
Oh dear, you seem to have gotten yourself killed.