Subject: Re: Bootloader 'Todo' List
To: Reinoud Zandijk <>
From: Ben Harris <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/18/2000 21:11:34
On Thu, 16 Nov 2000, Reinoud Zandijk wrote:
> I've been working on a modified version of `BBBB' to boot NetBSD/arm32
> from...
*shudder* BBBB was meant to be a stop-gap until someone could write a
proper bootloader. Oh well, I suppose this is always the way with
Incidentally, I've just written a useful little tool to convert text files
into tokenized BBC BASIC, and hidden it at
<URL:>. This
makes it possible to generate a usable form of BBBB without needing to
copy it to and from a RISC OS machine. I'll put it into the main NetBSD
source tree once I've worked out where it should go.
> Its allmost ready to really relocate stuff and i hope to have it
> start NetBSD/arm32 tonight or tomorrow... i doubt it will run though for
> i'll have to munge start() and the init_arm() in rpc_machdep.c to account
> for the new situation. I've tried to keep as much as BBBB the same so to
> ease merging into one bootloader allthough i've only changed the a.out
> loader so it wont hurt NetBSD/arm26 loading :)
Yes, the a.out stuff is pretty much dead as far as I'm concerned, so you
can safely break it some more.
Ben Harris <>
Portmaster, NetBSD/arm26 <URL:>