Subject: !BtRiscBSD and Desklib
To: None <>
From: Dave Daniels <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/29/2000 13:41:01
I have been looking at !BtRiscBSD to see which wimp library is needed to
compile it. From the makefile it appears to use Desklib 2.00. I have
various versions of Desklib here (2.05, 2.10 and 2.30) but none of them
appear to have all of the functions or include files that !BtRiscBSD
uses, for example, it needs the include file IconExt.h but this is not
supplied with any of the above versions of Desklib. Also, it uses
functions such as Menu_CreateMenu() which, again, do not appear to be
part of Desklib. Are they specific to Desklib 2.00, or does !BtRiscBSD
use something different?
Dave Daniels