Subject: what is the last release returning by SUP ?
To: None <>
From: Richard PLOIX <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 12/18/2000 15:56:14
I have a riscpc/arm32 machine with the last 1.4.3 release.
my kernel was 1.4.3.
I did a SUP to get back the last release (1.5 announced),
it was very short. !!!
I compiled the new kernel, that is a 1.4.3A.
I did a "make build".
First Question: what is my version ? (kernel, source, system)
Second question: I wanted to install mozilla,
knowing that the 1.5 had a problem,
I decided to install mozilla 1.4.
I installed the required binary packages in 1.5, and mozilla in 1.4 ...
the result is very strange.
I can't go to the preference page because I have a window with
a lot of message. I just have to quit Xwindow.
is this set up has been tested by some one ?