Subject: Shark "disklabel hell"
To: None <>
From: Jeremy Cooper <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/05/2001 03:20:31
For all the years I have been working with NetBSD, it seems that I never
can get the knack of the "disklabel" command; I always seem to be stuck
in a severe catch-22 with it. And this doesn't just apply to the SHARK
platform, it happens on the sun3 and sparc as well. In the following, I
will illustrate a problem I am having trying to install NetBSD-1.5
on an internal IDE drive.
1. # disklabel -i -I wd0
2. wd0: no disk label
3. partition> W
4. label disk [n]? y
5. Label written
6. partition> Q
7. # disklabel -i wd0
8. wd0: no disk label
9. partition>
What the heck is going on here? Absolutely none of the changes I make in
disklabel ever get committed to the disk. I'm sick of this! I can't
install anything because of it.