Subject: Re: Changing kernel base address (was: Re: Heads up: shared arm include files)
To: None <,>
From: Ben Harris <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/22/2001 11:58:00
In article <> you write:
>On Monday 22 January 2001 10:02 am, Richard Earnshaw wrote:
>> said:
>> > The kernel build process does not do any depency checking for
>> > assembler files  so assembler files do not get rebuilt if a header
>> > that they depend on is  changed. iomd_iic.S uses the IOMD base address
>> > defined in iomd.h.
>> That's because the depend routines only scan for assembler files beginning
>> with .s (not .S).  I don't know why arm32's are so named -- maybe it's
>> because we used to use gcc to pre-process them at one point.
>Perhaps we should rename them (I often wondered why they were .S), or expand 
>the build system to treat .S as .s's

As far as I can see, these files are still pre-processed, so they
should probably remain .S.  There are plenty of .S files elsewhere in
sys/arch (119 .S vs 124 .s), so just renaming the arm32 ones is an
incomplete solution.

I'd suggest taking this over to tech-kern.  I'll do so if I get a

Ben Harris                                                   <>
Portmaster, NetBSD/arm26               <URL:>