Subject: Re: New bootloader
To: None <>
From: Chris Cowdery <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 02/12/2001 19:33:08

> > 	I've been trying the new bootloader, but I get a screenfull
> > of asterisks. Examination of the code indicates that this is an
> > error condition.
> Wow Chris, you are the first one to report this ! Hmmm.... this should
> only occure when the memory is fragmented ``likek hell'' i.e. it cant find
> a single piece of memory with 4 or more subsequent pages (16kb). This is a
> bit wierd in my opinion for it should normally give this if it just
> happens to be on the end of a block of memory; i've put it in so just that
> sille one off situation wont break the loading .....
> So maybe its something else. Hmm... can you give me some more details
> about it ? i.e. what machine? what version of the bootloader? (the
> newest?) or run the !BtNetBSD just when booted?

Machine - SA110 200MHz, 1x32MB SIMM, 2MB VRAM
You get the identical error when running the bootloader by double-clicking
after a normal RISC-OS boot or by a minimum boot (SHIFT+RESET)
It's RISC-OS 3.7

Could it be because I've got one SIMM, not two?

Version of BtRiscBSD is 08:26:56 01 Feb 2001, size 28619 bytes

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