Subject: Re: arm32 snapshot
To: Reinoud Zandijk <>
From: Chris Gilbert <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 02/19/2001 12:27:57
cc'd port-arm32 as others maybe interested
On Monday 19 February 2001 12:11 am, Reinoud Zandijk wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> euhm... how far is your arm32 snapshot? my NetBSD/arm32 machine is getting
> a bit out to date :( ... and i wonder if its a good starting point ... I
> hope you havent specificated SA110 only optimalisations ?
It's not far from being complete, only problem is that It's not finished all
the kernels (it bombed out after about 30 mins yesterday after I'd left home
due to the change in libkern, ah well) It should do that today, and I start
uploading tonight (note that it's about 50MB or so, so it won't all appear
If i don't manage to get it uploaded tonight it'll be the end of the week
after I've moved completely and got surftime setup on the new line (flatrate
price for all internet calls for those not in the uk).