Subject: arm32 web pages
To: None <>
From: Chris Gilbert <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 02/19/2001 23:30:42
Just been looking over the web page (it actually looks different (or is that
just me :))
Anyway I noticed that it says it's work in progress for the past 4 years in
the 2nd paragraph. Isn't that a tad out of date, we've had arm32 since 94.
Checking mailing list archives, June 96 was the setup of the arm32 list,
however on the old old riscbsd pages Mark was there at the Acorn World show
in '94 demoing a RiscPC running in single user mode. Sadly the ftp site has gone, anyone know if it's moved or if the old
archives have moved (more for curiosity than use :) Anyway that makes the
port 6 years old. Perhaps we should change the reference to started in 94?
I'm not sure if the port really counts as work in progress either more, yes
there's work going on, but 1.5 was good release for arm32, the sysinst
installer was liked by most that saw it at Risc-OS 2000, especially when
compared with the old installer.
Also should we remove the direct reference to mark's email address, and get
people to mail the port-arm32 list with queries?