Subject: Re: arm32 web pages
To: Chris Gilbert <>
From: Reinoud Zandijk <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 02/20/2001 00:39:57
Hi Chris,
On Mon, 19 Feb 2001, Chris Gilbert wrote:
> Just been looking over the web page (it actually looks different (or is that
> just me :))
Yeah .... hehe.. esp. if you look within a day :)
> Anyway I noticed that it says it's work in progress for the past 4 years in
> the 2nd paragraph. Isn't that a tad out of date, we've had arm32 since 94.
> Checking mailing list archives, June 96 was the setup of the arm32 list,
Hmm.... yeah quite .... from 1994 sounds a better alternative indeed...
maybe we can also put some extra information as an `working on now'
element ? i.e. the merge of common code to sys/arch/arm ?
> I'm not sure if the port really counts as work in progress either more, yes
> there's work going on, but 1.5 was good release for arm32, the sysinst
> installer was liked by most that saw it at Risc-OS 2000, especially when
> compared with the old installer.
The new installer is really much better than the old one !! ... i just
updated my RiscPC to 1.5 to avoid real real old stuff... and to update to
your snapshot :)
> Also should we remove the direct reference to mark's email address, and get
> people to mail the port-arm32 list with queries?
Sounds good... maybe we can put some names on the website to?