Subject: Re: Xarm32VIDC Problem?
To: Dave Daniels <>
From: Richard Earnshaw <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 02/22/2001 21:46:30
This is a multipart MIME message.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
SPL6 is spltty. Inspection of vidc/console.c shows one place where we are
probably returning without restoring the spl level. Before sending me
that dump, can you try this patch?
Content-Type: application/x-patch ; name="console.patch"
Content-Description: console.patch
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="console.patch"
Index: console.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/syssrc/sys/arch/arm32/vidc/console/console.c,v
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -p -p -r1.21 console.c
*** console.c 2000/12/16 21:09:18 1.21
--- console.c 2001/02/22 21:44:13
*************** physconkbd(key)
*** 787,793 ****
tp = vconsole_current->tp;
! if (tp == NULL) return(1);
if ((tp->t_state & TS_ISOPEN) == 0) {
--- 787,796 ----
tp = vconsole_current->tp;
! if (tp == NULL) {
! (void)splx(s);
! return(1);
! }
if ((tp->t_state & TS_ISOPEN) == 0) {