Subject: Re: ARM ELF toolchain patches
To: None <>
From: Dave Daniels <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 02/26/2001 18:19:05
In article
David Forbes <> wrote:
> What was your test program?
It was actually written in Basic and run using my BBC Basic
interpreter. I recompiled the interpreter after building the new
kernel to be on the safe side. The program carried out a large
number of floating point operations using arrays to minimise the
overhead of the interpreter. I assumed that this would tell me
whether or not the floating point hardware was being used. Rather
than writing some test code in assembler, I thought that using a
real program would tell me what I wanted to know, especially as
this is the sort of context where the floating point hardware
would be of use to me. Perhaps I misunderstood what was needed, or
maybe it was never going to work because more work was needed on
NetBSD itself to enable the use of the hardware. On the other
hand, the time it took to run the program under RISC OS (80
seconds) compared to the time it took under NetBSD (well over
1,300) in my view shows that the effort would not be wasted. The
only snag is that I doubt that many people would benefit from it.
Dave Daniels