Subject: Using new bootloader with 1.5
To: None <>
From: Stephen Borrill <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 03/05/2001 16:46:46
I'm using the new bootloader on on an NC. I'd rather not
run -current for this if possible (perhaps when the memory map stops
shifting from day to day). What do I need to patch in a 1.5 source
tree? Can I just copy rpc_machdep.c? I will be solely running the new
bootloader (so I don't need anything to understand COMPAT_OLD_BOOTLOADER).
I've done this and a kernel has been compiled fine.

I'm having problems with the bootloader itself though. It is giving the
following error:

Can't use array reference here at line 2490

Sticking a few PRINTs in shows that txtbasepage% starts off at 608, but
when pg% reaches 20 this jumps to 542328403 which then gives rise to the
above error. Memory somewhere is being overwritten...
