Subject: Re: PR 12312 - madplay dumps core
To: None <>
From: Rolf Neugebauer <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 03/13/2001 12:40:32
Simon Burge <> writes:

> Ignatios Souvatzis wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > in short: madplay 0.12.5b as built form pkgsrc is dumping core on
> > a 1.5 DNARD system.
> > 
> > I forced it to statically compile in libmad.a instead of using the
> > shared library, and it works. Now, whats broken... madplay, the
> > package, the compiler,

[snip patch]
> This obviously falls into the "gross hack" department, but since this
> is really the only usable mp3 player on a shark, should I commit it
> (with some appropriate XXX comments)?

I am using mpg123-0.59r package on a shark running NetBSD 1.4.2 for a
while now without any problem. Can't remember if I installed from
source or binary. 

Just out of curiosity, what were you referring to when saying that
madplay is the only usable mp3 player on sharks? Are there problems
with mpg123 on NetBSD 1.5?
