Subject: Re: Porting NetBSD to a different ARM platform
To: None <>
From: Ben Harris <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 05/01/2001 11:35:39
In article <> you write:
>I'm currently developing with arm-elf-gcc under Cygwin (so yes I have CVS).
>Would it be easier to work under x86 Linux (I don't want to try to install
>NetBSD on my main dev machine unless I absolutely have to)?
For building the kernel, I suspect either will work, but Linux is likely to
be slightly easier, since it's rather more Unix-like. You basically need
the NetBSD make(1) and config(8), both of which should build on any POSIX
system, and the GNU toolchain. For building kernels, the unmodified GNU
tools targetted on arm-unknown-elf should work correctly (that being the
toolchain NetBSD/arm26 used for a long time).
Ben Harris <>
Portmaster, NetBSD/arm26 <URL:>