Subject: Flash filesystems for NetBSD/arm32?
To: None <>
From: Bruce Martin <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/08/2001 16:55:58
I was looking into using a board such as the EBSA285 (SA110/21285) to run
NetBSD (already doing that), using only a filesystem in Flash (no disk, or
nfs etc).
What options do I have here? I have managed to create ramdisk-141.fs and
store it in flash and boot from it, and that works fine. However, this is a
read only filesystem - I need something that is read/write i.e. files stored
in the flash filesystem may be modified?
Are there any ways to do this at present? If not, is anybody working on this
or similar? If not, is anybody interested in working on this with me?
Anybody got any recommendations for specs/standards we could use to
implement this e.g. Intel's VFS.