Subject: Re: Pre-installation question
To: None <>
From: Leo Weppelman <>
List: port-atari
Date: 05/04/1995 08:31:00
Hi Waldi,
> > If this works, I am very curious what the problem is! The floppy format
> > he mentioned sure looked good. Anyway, the answer to this should be
> > mentioned somewhere in the installation doc's I think.
> The format was ok, I used the same floppies with dd under Linux
> (after patching the floppy driver). Out of curiousity I have now
> tested Benni's suggestion, and it works. So it seems that rawwrite
> has a problem writing disks formatted with Kobold. Could this be
> caused by the extra sector headers that Kobold creates to speed
> up floppy access?
I am just using the Rwabs() bios function in rawwrite, I thought
this would be the most compatable way to do this.
> Anyway, it's not the kind of problem that must be solved, a
> short remark in the installation guide would be sufficient.
I'll do just that.