Subject: Re: bits and pieces
To: None <>
From: Leo Weppelman <>
List: port-atari
Date: 05/10/1995 08:17:00
Hi Waldi,
> > > - /usr/share/zoneinfo leaves no doubt that BSD was made in USA; never heard of
> > > Europe, never heard of Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, etc. Quick fix: take the
> > > stuff from a well known European system, which is more world-orientated.
> > I just sym-linked '/etc/localtime' to '/usr/share/zoneinfo/MET', this works
> > ok.
> That works fine for `now', but not for the past. AFAIK detailed information
> on European countries is freely available, I don't know why it isn't included
> in NetBSD. However, this is not specific to the Atari port. What would be the
> appropriate mailing list?
You can send a mail with body 'lists' to get aan overview of available
mailing lists to majordomo (if this doesn't work, try 'help'). In this
case 'current-users' seems to be the correct list.
> > > - What's the reload device?
> > I did not yet implement it (maybe never will) but on some ports, you can
> > reboot/reload by copying a new kernel to /dev/reload. This saves you the
> > burden of booting from scratch.
> Wow, that would be really cool. Would you happen to know which ports
> support this feature?
The Amiga port has it. It is a lot easier to implement on the Amiga because
they have a nice physically contigous piece of ram available (Chipmem).
You can compare chipmem to St-mem. The major difference (as I see it, I
do not have an amiga) is that it seems to be limited to about 1Mb so
they just ignore it for 'normal' use. I do not think I can simply ignore
ST-mem. I have not yet figured out how I can put together a physically
contigious image of NetBSD. It _has_ to be contigious because the MMU
has to be turned off somwhere during boot. If you have any ideas, feel
free to implement it.