Subject: Re: NetBSD is running now -- questions...
To: None <port-atari@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Waldi Ravens <>
List: port-atari
Date: 10/20/1995 15:19:32
> > Try renaming NBR -> NBD.
> Aha, and NBU -> NBD?
No, no. There should be only one NBD ID per harddisk.
NBD == NetBSD disklabel partition.
You're not supposed to have more than one disklabel per
disk. Atually you *can* have more than one, but then
things may get really confusing and messy.
> And NBS?
Until you have a real disklabel (not possible with the old
"summer" tools), you should not alter NBU and NBS. NetBSD
still needs them to create a fake disklabel.
Since you're playing with both the old and the new kernel,
it's better to leave NBR too. The old kernel doesn't know
about NBD, while the new kernel still knows about the old
NBR identifier. The partition IDs do not cause your
`missing' root-fs problem.
> No, HDDRIVER 3.5.
Fine, HDDRIVER supports the XHDI protocol. I'll send you
a sort of partition lister (which runs under MiNT/TOS).
Just redirect the output to port-atari. The first one
to discover the `error', gets the honour of writing
the parrallel port driver. :-) :-)