Subject: Re: Compiled a kernel but...
To: None <port-atari@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Nat! <>
List: port-atari
Date: 10/24/1995 23:11:40
In <> you (Leo Weppelman) wrote:
>> I compiled the kernel overnight and all went except when
>> it came to linking. One file called "zs.c" wants a symbol
>> called "_abs" (probably wants stdlib).
>No! A kernel should _not_ rely on these files, nor should it have
>libc linked in or such. I bug you saw was introduced because
Er yes, I was not going to link the standard lib to the kernel :)
>> Also I have to note that when I run systat or vmstat, none
>> of my drive statistics show up. When I try :numbers when
>> running :iostat in systat (crypto-speach :) ) I get
>> a float exception. Most probably this is caused because
>> there are no disk drives connected and the program does a
>> divide by zero. (Just my guesses)
I think you got what I wanted to say, just let me rephrase this
for clarity: I have two harddisks connected but they don't show
up in the drive statistics. I think the alledged divide by zero
is not a bug in the port, but rather in the main tree sources.
>I think this bug is already in the gnats database. I'll check it
>Speaking about problem reports, you can also use send-pr to do the
>job, for both atari-specific and general bugs. Checkout man 'send-pr'.
I have to admit, that as of yet I was too lame to get networking
going. So you I'll be junkmailing this fine list for some time
to come :)
------------------"Bang that bit that doesn't bang"---------------
Yeah, money talks / ... I should know
Mine always says / 'Good bye'!
David Lee Roth