Subject: Re: Misc. observations (was Building Taylor UUCP)
To: None <>
From: Michael Hohmuth <>
List: port-atari
Date: 11/08/1995 02:32:35
Leo Weppelman wrote:
> > I've also tried accessing my modem from my freshly-installed NetBSD.
> > What happened was this: After running "cu -l mdm02 dir", `cu' reported
> > "Connected", but when typing any character, it immediatly said "cu:
> > write: Input/output error" and exited [...]
> I think your problem is basically the same as Daniel's. You have to
> fill /etc/uucp with the correct set of taylor config files. Thereafter
> your problem should be solved. The point is that if you don't, taylor
> won't open the port initially with clocal on (you can check this with
> stty -a while connected), you will get a write-error on the first char
> written.
Thanks again! Yes, that fixed it. However, I wonder why Taylor
UUCP's `cu' makes a difference between a line listed in the "port"
file (and using the "-p" flag) and a line specified on the command
line (using the "-l" flag). (I've been using Taylor UUCP on other
systems before but haven't ever noticed this problem, probably because
all other systems provided a /dev/cua* which always has clocal on).
On a related problem: I've tried adding the following line to
/etc/ttys in order to get some tty flags initialized at boot:
mdm02 "/usr/libexec/getty std.19200" network off rtscts mdmbuf
However, `ttyflags' complains (here's the output of "ttyflags -a -v"):
ttyflags: setting flags on /dev/mdm02 to c
ttyflags: TIOCSFLAGS on /dev/mdm02: Device not configured
Using "stty -f /dev/mdm02 crtscts mdmbuf" works fine, however. Can
anyone explain what is giong on?