Subject: Re: I'm back (where NetBSD in Germany)
To: None <>
From: Leo Weppelman <>
List: port-atari
Date: 05/18/1996 12:51:31
> Hello all
> I'm back in the NetBSD group :-)
> I have changed my old defect Falcon with a new mainboad platine and 16MB RAM :-)
Welcome back. It took them a long time to fix your Falcon!
> Now I'll download the newest distribution (kernels, binaries and X11)
> and ask my German collegues, where I can find a mirror-ftp-server
> in germany, which has REALLY the actualst files.
> I mean ,when Leo (or another developer) announce that he has upload
> new files at (so Leo last mail "new kernel on")
> when can I get this from which mirror in germany ? (I mean in 1..2 days later)
> All mirrors I've inspected have kernel-files (and others) with date of
> Nov 28 or so. Where is an actual one ?
Not directly related to the question above:
As many (if not all?) read the announcement on netbsd-announce about the
upcoming 1.2 release, I might be wise to wait a week if you are planning
to upload an entire distribution. Next week I am planning to upload an entire
new binary distribution as part of the release cycle (My TT is currently
building it). This binary distribution should be the first beta-set of