Subject: help! Working falcon kernel would be nice...
To: None <port-atari@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-atari
Date: 06/03/1996 06:52:36
Does anyone out there have a kernel which is a recent version _and_ Falcon
friendly? I would like a kernel for a Falcon with no FPU, 4Mb RAM and
preferably with only 2 views configured.
I have been trying to upgrade to the latest version using the current
snapshot uploaded recently, but it just refuses to work stably on my
Falcon. *sob* So as a result of my attempts to upgrade I have gone
from a superb working 1.1 installation to a broken 1.1B installation.
The main problem seems to be with the scsi driver somewhere - I keep
getting weird "some bytes stuck in fifo" and "dma-ready = 2" errors
then the system hangs irretrievably. In addition to this it now
ignores the screen mode you set and always goes to an off center
640x400 monochrome! Argh!
Having spent a little over 12 hours solidly trying to get this to work
I am now a little frustrated! The original 1.1 kernel no longer works
either, presumably because of changes to the programs - it now panics
when you try and boot it.
I'm beginning to wonder if it might be worth reinstalling 1.1 from
scratch - if it weren't for the fact that I have a bunch of files on
/usr that I need I would do so in order to get a working system. But
they are on there and I can't tar and copy them off because the system
then hangs or chokes on these scsi dma-errors. As a result of these
errors I have already had several long sessions with fsck. :( Teaches
me a lesson I suppose - should have copied the files off first! But I
expected the upgrade to go smoothly. :(
All I want is a stable kernel suitable for a basic 4Mb Falcon, no FPU.
If anyone has one or could compile one for me I would be grateful! You
can email it to me (uuencoded/gzipped) at this address or let me know
how to find it. :)
* {{{ Dan }}} * Atari Falcon030 4Mb RAM 65Mb IDE 340Mb SCSI *
used to be
* NetBSD-1.1-Atari ^^ installed - a _real_ unix environment! *
* Looking for a Falcon sample editor? Get SuperSam v1.08! *