Subject: Re: NetBSD blues
To: George Simunovich <>
From: Leo Weppelman <>
List: port-atari
Date: 09/29/1996 15:41:25
Hi George,
[ ... ]
> First, while trying to install with the boot disk I was getting the
> instbin problem (usage message). I got around this problem by
> grabbing the generic kernel from the atari/kernels directory on
> and booting with the generic kernel ("-b generic").
> The install program starts running.
I'm still searching for a clue on this one...
> Next, I was able to label which partitions, NBD & NBS, where for
> NetBSD. I believe that install uses "edahsi" for that step.
> But labeling with "edlabel"(???) for sd0a, sd0b, sd0c came up with
> the starting block, length and type set to 0, c (total disk) seemed correct.
> d (GEMDOS partition) didn't even show up. So, I changed these values
> to what they where suppose to be and continued. Everything seemed to
> go OK for the NetBSD partions but this wiped out the GEMDOS partition that
> couldn't be mounted or even recongized by the ICD utils. This left
Yes, because of the illegal setting of the bad sector-list values, NetBSD
thinks that there are no GEM partitions on that disk. So it writes a NetBSD
bootblock at the start of the disk thereby wiping the AHDI partitioning.
> me with NetBSD partitions that could be mounted and used but no
> way to get boot.tar.gz and etc.tar.gz from the GEMDOS partition.
> I then tried this several times, but at best it kept messing up
> the GEMDOS partition. I had to "zero" the disk between each
> try or other bad things happened.
> Finally, I formated and repartitioned the disk with the Atari utilities,
> but still booting with the ICD utils, ICDBOOT.SYS. After that the install
> went fine (using the GENERIC kernel).
> So, I now have NetBSD installed and running with a GEMDOS partition being
> shared and booting with ICDBOOT.
> I still haven't been able to get the kernel that came with the boot floppy
> to work though. I did try booting the kernel after the install, but all
> kinds of bad things happened. It seems to me that it's a problem the
> the kernel on the boot disk, not with the miniroot disks, plus
> the ICD utilities not being 100% to standard.
The latter seems clear now. It can be circumvented by not bailing out on
illegal values in the bsl-fields, but just print a warning.
> Now my very own problem. After getting it to install I cann't get
> the modem2 port to work (still with the GENERIC kernel). I'm currently
> grabbing the comp.tar.gz and the kernel sources to try and compile my
> own kernel. When I try "cu -l /dev/mdm02" it connects and the TR light
> on the modem comes on. When I try to type something it says "Input/Output
> error". Any ideas?
It might be either your uucp setup or the settings in /etc/ttys. There are
quite some people that use the modem port for uucp. I think I have an
archive around with an extract from my /etc/uucp directory that I have
send to some other people with uucp problems. I could try digging it
up for you.