Subject: Re: Installboot: OS revision not supported
To: Udo Erdelhoff <>
From: Leo Weppelman <>
List: port-atari
Date: 11/01/1996 08:29:53
Hi Udo Erdelhoff,

> You should also include the information how to fix this: HDX enables
> an "expert" button if you have defined more than four partitions. 
> The button opens another dialog box where you can move the extended
> partition range.

As you are going to do this anyway, would you write down how it works and
send it to me? I will incorporate it in the docs. Saves me a useless
re-partitioning run....

> > I'm more than 99% sure ;-)
> Uh-oh, this means there will be trouble..

The 1% accounts for the fact that I didn't write the installboot-code,
Waldi did that part ;-)

> By the way: I've tried all the memory test program I could find.
> One of this programs was written by authors of Kobold (the copy
> utility). It's a special program for TT-RAM and it does lots of
> disc access to keep the power supply under pressure. I moved
> the TT into the kitchen and ran on overnight test: Approx.
> 3000 test loops, no errors found, family annoyed. I'll have to
> do another overnight test with the "Moving Inversion Test". 

I found out on more than once that it really makes a difference if
you are running NetBSD or GEM in these cases. Somehow a Unix like
system is more demanding on the hardware than a single tasking system.

> Or with your test program - the installation was successfull
> (minus the bootblock, of course). Ok, halt, reset, memory
> "test" ok, press ctrl, loadbsd -b netbsd, looks good, 
> root device sd0, systems boots, default shell, CTRL-D,
> setting tty flags
> starting network
> add host gateway localhost
> vm_fault (trap type 1, code = f20d, v=14735
> pid=35, pc = 00014732, ps = 2010, sfc = 0001, dfc = 0001
> [Register and Kernel stack dump snipped]
> panic: Address error
> Stopped at	_Debugger+0x6:	unlk a6
> Of course, booting multi-user with ST-RAM only works fine...

This firmly points at problems with your TT-ram!

> Time for more tests...
> > It can also be that DMA to the MegTT is flakey.
> > You can tell the SCSI driver to use only ST-ram for DMA. This option
> > is called NO_TTRAM_DMA (..../atari/dev/atari5380.c) and is normally
> > '#undef'-ed.
> That sounds like a chicken and egg problem...

Not really I think. You can install a system using only ST-Ram. Compile a
new kernel with it and try if this helps.

> > > The big question: Is CBHD compatible enough for NetBSD?
> > I have no experience with CBHD.
> Why me? Ok, I'll try after my system works...

If CBHD is only a driver and accepts the partitioning you made with HDX,
NetBSD won't have any trouble with it. This is because as soon as the kernel
is loaded, it completely takes over your TT.
