Subject: Re: Falcon Screen (was: Re: Success!)
To: Helmar Goettsch <>
From: Thomas Gerner <>
List: port-atari
Date: 12/10/1996 19:47:42
Helmar Goettsch wrote:

[ .... ]

> > >Thomas did the Falcon video stuff. If I remember well, he knows about
> > >the bug, but he has no fix for it yet.
> > 
> > Correct. But this bug only happens in the ST kompatible video modes. If
> > you switch to a falcon mode, e.g 640x480x2 using iteconfig, the above
> > effect does not happen.
> On my Falcon this effect is ALSO in native Falcon mode 640x480x2, on which
> I switched with 'iteconfig.
> (I installed NetBSD 1.2/atari for about three weeks ago).

Why are you shouting? I'm not deaf.

On my Falcon this happens only in the ST kompatible vidoe modes. I think that
the reason of this effect is a timing problem (do you have a higher CPU clock
than 16 MHz?), but because I've no further documentation of the Falcon video
chip, I'm see no way how to fix it. (I have only a register list). If you
have an idea how to fix it, feel free to change the code. (In the Falcon
video code are also some other open problems, e.g. with a SC display it
is currently not possible to switch the resolution.)
